Step by step instructions on how to use your PowderCordPouches.
A visual step by step instruction on using your PowderCordPouch.
Step 1:
Determine how you are going to attach your powder cords to your skis.
See Attachment Methods.
Stuff (don't roll!) your cords into your Powder Cord Pouches, knotted end first.

Step 2:
Leave the swivel hook end with 6" to 8" of cord hanging out and close the Velcro.

Step 3:
Attach the swivel hook to your binding.

Step 4:
Lay the Powder Cord Pouch across the back of your ski with the straps extended.
Step 5:
Click into your binding.

Step 6:
Adjust the length of the strap as needed and clip the buckle around your leg/boot.

Step 7:
Center the Powder Cord Pouch at the back of your leg.
Repeat for the other ski!
